4 Ways to Help Your Little One Maintain Healthy Teeth and Gums

Kids have a hard time maintaining healthy teeth and gums on their own. They need help from their parents to take care of their teeth! As a parent, there are many things you can do to help your kids maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Your child’s dentist in Fort Collins, CO can help as well. At Allison Jung Family Dentistry, we provide many services to help our pediatric patients maintain healthy teeth and gums. We also advise parents to help them clean their child’s teeth. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Brush Their Teeth Until They’re Old Enough

Most kids don’t have the hand-eye coordination or manual dexterity to brush their teeth. You can help them with this problem by brushing their teeth for them.

Most kids need their teeth brushed by their parents until they’re about seven. You can gauge whether your child is ready to brush their teeth by watching them as they brush.

Are they able to get the teeth at the front, back, on the tops, and on the bottoms? Does your child have the patience to brush their teeth for long enough? Can they easily squeeze the toothpaste themselves? Watch your child throughout the toothbrushing process. If they still need help, assess them again in a few months. Keep doing this until you think they’re ready to brush their own teeth.

2. Teach Them About Caring For Their Teeth

Talk to your child about how important it is to take care of their teeth and avoid cavities. This shows that you care about oral hygiene. Your child will share many of your values. Talk to them about these priorities beginning when they’re young.

3. Limit Their Sugar Intake

Give your child sugar-free snacks like boiled eggs and cheese and crackers. These snacks are good for their teeth and their bodies too!

4. Take Them to the Dentist Regularly

Take your child to the dentist as often as the dentist recommends. Is it time for your child to have a dental cleaning in Fort Collins, CO? If so, contact Allison Jung Family Dentistry today.

How to Choose the Right Water Flosser

Water flossers are a smart choice for anyone who wants to up their oral hygiene game. While this practice doesn’t replace traditional flossing, it can supplement your routine, reduce gum bleeding, and improve your overall oral health in Fort Collins, CO.

They’re an especially good choice for those prone to slack off when it comes to regular flossing. Studies have shown that water flossers are by far better than not flossing at all. We’ll look at a few things to remember as you sift through the many options on the market.

User Friendliness

You’ll have no trouble finding water flossers of every variety, whether you’re looking online or in person. Some people prefer the traditional setup because the tank is large enough that you won’t have to constantly refill it. Other people find the appliance too bulky or difficult to use and don’t mind sacrificing reservoir space for a portable water flosser. Remember that traveling with either can be a bit of a challenge, but it’s far easier to go on trips and take the portable one.


Just like when you brush and floss, you need to apply enough pressure to your teeth and gums to clear out the debris, but not so much pressure that you damage your sometimes sensitive gums. While even high-pressure flossers will generally only cause surface irritation, those with already eroding gums must be careful about which level they set their flosser at.

Consult a Dentist in Fort Collins, CO

When water flossers can range in price, pressure, setup, etc., it can help to consult a dentist in Fort Collins, CO to pin down the right one for you. You might be surprised at just how many variations there are. For example, some water flossers will break down faster if you mix mouthwash and water. This trick can help you remove bacteria buildup, but it may cause your water flosser to break beyond repair. Just keep in mind that even the best hygiene routines can’t replace professional cleanings courtesy of your neighborhood dentist.

If you want to make the most of your investment and your oral health, the team at Allison Jung Family Dentistry can give you recommendations based on everything from your history to your personal preferences.