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 What Can I Do to Keep My Teeth Cleaner?

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 What Can I Do to Keep My Teeth Cleaner?

Maintaining clean teeth is good for your dental health. Clean teeth also help your breath smell better, and that’s good for your relationships. Your dentist in Fort Collins, CO can help you maintain clean teeth when you come to the dentist’s office for cleanings, but there are also many things you can do at home to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Buy An Electric Toothbrush

Studies have shown that electric toothbrushes are better at keeping teeth clean than manual toothbrushes. Use an electric toothbrush to help remove plaque from your mouth.

Electric toothbrushes have many features so you can buy a toothbrush with the right features. They’re also available in a range of prices. If you’re not sure which toothbrush that fits your budget is the best option, ask your dentist for recommendations.

Replace Your Toothbrush On Time

Toothbrushes need to be replaced every three months. Even with an electric toothbrush, you can still replace the head every three months. This keeps the bristles in good condition. Toothbrushes can build up bacteria over time. Replacing your toothbrush cleans the bristles.

Protect Your Teeth From Bacteria With Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a protective coating that your dentist can paint over your back teeth to protect them from bacteria. While dental sealants don’t clean your teeth, they can prevent your teeth from being impacted by tooth decay.

Time Your Brushing

Brush your teeth for two minutes at a time. If you’re using an electric toothbrush, it may come with a timer that tells you when you’ve been brushing for two minutes.

Eat Crunchy Foods and Vegetables

Crunchy foods and vegetables can help clean your tooth enamel while eating them. These foods are much better for you than other options that can leave your teeth less clean.

Cut Back on Sugar

Sugar is bad for your teeth. Cut back on sugary foods – especially sticky foods like caramel. These candies stick to your teeth and don’t come off easily.

See the Dentist Regularly

Keep your teeth clean with regular dental cleanings in Fort Collins, CO. Call Allison Jung Family Dentistry today to make your next dental appointment.