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Why do Dentists Always Take X-Rays on First Visit?

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Why do Dentists Always Take X-Rays on First Visit?

It’s not your imagination, and you’re not the only one. It happens to everyone on their first visit to a new dentist. Shortly after the dentist comes into the room, they announce that they’ll be doing X-rays—or some form of digital imaging—on your entire set of teeth. Why is that? Well, there are a couple reasons.

To Learn More

Since it’s your first time with this particular dentist, they know nothing about the condition of your teeth and gums. They’re completely in the dark, and X-rays enlighten the situation. With images, your new dentist will get to know the lay of the land, so to speak. It lets them know what condition your current teeth and gums are in. It’s not the whole story yet—a visual exam and other tools will be needed—but X-rays are a good start.

To Create a Benchmark

Another reason why your newdentist in Fort Collins, CO will likely want to take X-rays on your first visit is to create a benchmark. This is a starting out point. Ideally, this isn’t going to be your only visit, unless you happen to be just passing through the area. Your dentist wants to start a history with you that begins, well, at the beginning. From there, your future records will be compared to your situation on this first visit. So, even if you do happen to have your old dental records on you, the dentist will want new X-Rays.

Your new dentist is going to want to take the best care of you that’s possible, and that process always starts with some kind of imaging; usually X-rays. If you have any questions about X-rays or any other services duringdental exams in Fort Collins, CO, please contact us today!